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Why did you choose your program? What makes it unique to you?

Ever since I was young I always wanted to study business and Rotman Commerce had everything I was looking for. Firstly, Rotman Commerce is known to be one of the best business schools in Canada and It also has a great global reputation because it's part of University of Toronto as well. Secondly, University of Toronto is located in downtown Toronto. Toronto is the second biggest metropolitan city in North America and this meant more opportunities to network. My professors would say that

networking in business is more important than getting good grades and Toronto seemed like a great place to study and start my career. So because of these two reasons I decided to choose Rotman Commerce.





For a Commerce Student at UofT's Rotmans Commerce


What is some advice you would give high school students when applying to your program?

Do extracurricular activities that really show your strengths. It's very important for you to showcase what

you learned throughout the years in your application and I think it's the easiest to do that by doing the right extracurriculars. You will also have to write a supplementary application for Rotman Commerce and this process includes a video interview. Be genuine and confident during this process. I go more in depth about the application process on my YouTube channel so check out my channel if you guys want to get accepted to Rotman Commerce and University of Toronto in general.


What’s an interesting quirk of your school that freshmen should know?

Roman Commerce has their own set of clubs where only Rotman Students can join. I think joining these clubs can be very helpful in many ways. You will get to know people in the industry you want to go into and upper year students who will be able to help you with exams and assignments. It's a great way to network so I would definitely recommend first years to join one of these clubs.

Do you feel there's a good support/transition program for freshman students?

I think most of the students have a very smooth transition into Rotman Commerce because everyone in this program is generally very good at talking to each other. At the end of the day Rotman Commerce students are business school students so everyone is very welcoming. There are also orientations and events for freshman students so it's easy to get to know people. So I would say there is a good support program for freshman students.

What’s the biggest change from high school to university/college work and classes?

University of Toronto is notorious for its challenging courses and heavy workloads. So just like many first year students, I had trouble adjusting to the difficulty of UofT. I think many students underestimate how hard UofT actually is and I think that's the best problem. So I think the biggest change from high school to university is the level of difficulty.

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A very special thank you to our interviewee...

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Hey guys, my name is Richard Han and I am a second year student studying at the University of Toronto. I make YouTube videos about UofT and aim to help out students to get accepted to UofT. So if you want to be part of the best university in Canada I would highly recommend you to check out my Youtube channel! Good luck everyone in your applications and please know that I will be there to help if you ever need help in your university application process.

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